Sergio García-Nieto Rodríguez

Associate Profesor of the Systems Engineering and Automatics Department at the Univesitat Politècnica de València and member of the Institute of Automatics and Industrial Informatics. His research has been focused since 2009 on the development of control algorithms and artificial intelligence for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. He has more than 30 research articles in high-impact journals and more than 50 contributions to international and national conferences. His stays in international reference centers such as the Fluidmechanik und Prozessautomation Institut at the University of Munich or the Aerospace Department at the University of Texas are also relevant (more info).

Luis Miguel García-Cuevas González

Associate Professor of the Department of Machines and Thermal Engines at the Universitat Politècnica de València and member of the Institute CMT – Thermal Engines. He conducts his research on propulsive systems and vehicles from the experimental and computational point of view, including internal and external aerodynamics in engines, turbomachinery, and unmanned aircraft. He is also one of the authors of the simulation codes developed by his institute. He has published 39 research papers in prestigious journals and has participated in more than 20 international conferences (more info).

Pau Bares Moreno

Lecturer of the Department of Machines and Thermal Engines at the Universitat Politècnica de València and member of the Institute CMT – Thermal Engines. He is teaching in aeronautical engineering degree and master while his research is oriented to the automotive and the aeronautical sectors. His work has been focused on signal analysis and control applications for propulsive systems, from the powertrain and from the vehicle perspective. He has published 31 research papers in prestigious journals and more than 10 papers in international conferences (more info).

Jorge García Tíscar

Senior Lecturer of Aerospace Engineering at the CMT Institute for Thermal Engines of the Universitat Politècnica de València. His research interests include experimental and numerical aeroacoustics in turbomachinery and combustion chambers, aerothermal characterization of surface heat exchangers for aeroengines, and vibroacoustic and fluid-structure interaction research for both aerospace and automotive applications, having published 27 journal papers and 8 conference contributions in these topics. He has participated in various research projects from the European H2020 and Clean Sky 2 programmes, along with others at state and regional levels, in collaboration with leading institutions from both the academic and the industrial sectors (more info).

Pau Varela Martínez

Ph.D. student at the Universitat Politècnica de València and member of the CMT Institute-Thermal Engines. His research work is mainly focused on the study of boundary layer ingestion systems, distributed electric propulsion, and serial hybridization of small unmanned aircraft. His work uses both computational tools, such as CFD or machine learning, and experimental ones, emphasizing the use of optical techniques in a wind tunnel. He has recently published 3 journal papers and 1 international conference publication related to this work (more info).